Monday 28 September 2009

This morning's fun and games:
3 @ 130kg
3 @ 145kg
3 @ 160kg - new 3-rep max
7 handstand pushups
7 thrusters @ 50kg
7 hang power cleans @ 50kg
3 rounds - 7:01

Had to get up at 5:45 to get this one in - was doing deadlifts in the shed while it was pitch black outside. Roll on the clocks going back.
This being my third day's training, so I get a rest day tomorrow. And as per my bargain with myself (based on the fact that I know I could never fully give it up!), I get to eat chocolate tonight. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and kill a bag of Marks and Spencer Belgian Chocolate Covered Peanuts.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Let the Right One In

First off, today's workout - Crossfit's Filthy 50 (with a couple of changes to suit the equipment I have):
50 box jumps
50 jumping pullups
50 KB swings @ 16kg
50 lunge steps
50 knees-to-elbows
50 push-press @ 20kg
50 back extensions
50 wall ball shots @ 7kg ball
50 burpees
50 double-unders
of nasty.

Thought I'd tell you about the book I'm currently reading (not a review, I'm no literary critic), John Ajvide (anyone tell me how to pronounce this?) Lindqvist's "Let the Right One In." The title will be familiar to film buffs - it was made into a film this year, and I highly recommend that you see it - OK, it's in Swedish with subtitles, and it's a vampire film, but it's the best film I've seen all year, pipping District 9 by a hair.
Anyway, the book. The plot is roughly this: 12-year-old Oskar is something of an outcast, bullied at school and with an absent father. He meets Eli, with whom he forms a bond as a fellow outcast. He eventually finds out that Eli is a 200-year-old vampire, trapped as a 12-year-old.
However, this is no cliched genre story, and it's a million miles away from Twilight. What emerges is a tale about friendship, being an outcast, and coping with being different. Sure, there are some moments of gore, and several real scares (as well as a scene involving a zombie attempting to rape a vampire!), but the beauty of this book is the relationship between Oskar and Eli as they try to deal with a hostile world. It captures the bleakness of living in a 1980s Stockholm prefab estate, as well as giving several interesting slants on the well=trodden vampire mythos (for example, what happens when a vampire enters your home without being invited? You find out here). Sure, you could just watch the film, and I did so first, but the book expands on the story and gives more insight into various characters' histories and motivation. Not just for horror fans, this book - highly recommended. I've already ordered Lindqvist's other book in print in English.

Saturday 26th September 2009

Workout of the day:
Overhead squats:
3 @ 47.5kg
3 @ 52.5kg - old 3RM
3 @ 57.5kg - new one
3 @ 60kg - even newer one

Finished with:
7 pullups
7 ring dips
7 rounds with 10kg vest
Pleased with that little lot.

Thursday 24 September 2009

First entry, I guess.

Welcome to my blog.
I've played with the idea of blogging for a while, and of course now that I've got round to it, I'm stumped for something to write. Er...
So, a little about me I guess. I'm married, have 3 sons, and live in the South of England. I've just finished a degree in Nutrition and am about to start a PhD centred around probiotics - part of me is absolutely bricking it about this, even though I did well in my degree; I guess a new job makes everyone nervous.
I'll be using this to write a little about my various interests - Crossfit training and functional fitness, nutrition, reading, films, etc. - and also thoughts, ideas, opinions on various things as they occur to me. I'll also, for those of you interested, post the workout I do each morning, so if that's not your cup of tea, just gloss over that bit, with perhaps just a roll of the eyes.

So, this morning's workout:
Shoulder press: 3 @ 50/55/57.5kg
5 muscle-ups
10 wall ball shots
15 double-unders
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes: 6 rounds + 5 muscle-ups

As I mentioned above, I'm a bit stumped for things to say right now, so I'll sign off with a question: I'm an avid charity-shopper, so I'd like to know what items do you see in every charity shop you go to? For me, it's a copy of Melanie C's "Northern Star." Let me know what you see in every one.